During one broadcast on the Internet from the sports club, which hosted the cardio session of the kai Greene steroid cycle, this top athlete expressed his thoughts about taking steroids. He noticed that people, looking at the professionals of bodybuilding and reading about them, imagine that it is necessary to take anabolic medications for this sport.

But this is not so, to build your body you need only motivation and discipline. You need to concentrate on your goal and work hard in the hall. Steroids will not make you champions. Only after knowing the difficulties, getting up early in the morning before the sun, working on a clear schedule, you can bring your triumph.

Recall that from 13 to 15 October Kai Greene steroid cycle will attend the fitness celebration at the Bombay Exhibition Center, Mumbai, India, along with the famous athletes of the tournament Mr. Olympia-2017. As IronFlex.com.ua wrote, Kai promised to take part in IFBB competitions to his fans in 2018.

To pumping muscles, he fits creatively. Take more, throw further – this is not about him. Here’s what he says about back training, which many consider being the best in the world: “Of course, I could say that I was able to pull my back thickly by doing exercises such as the deadlift, rod pull in the slope and T-neck pull, but Actually this is not true. At one point, I just started to pull between the approaches of exercises to other parts of the body. But I did it not to swing the broadest, but to improve the connection between consciousness and muscles, and I succeeded. And as soon as I learned to cut my back muscles even better, I started applying it to all the exercises on my back, including the camp. Hence the result. Pretty original, Kai Greene steroid cycle approaches the training of the feet. Let’s say he does such a thing as “Jefferson’s Thrust”. This exercise is a kind of “trick” by Green. In many ways, thanks to him, he trumpets on the stage with his discolored buttocks. “I saw it in my time at a pretty famous athlete Guy Ducasse,” says Green. – It’s done this way: you put the bar between your legs as if you were saddling it, and from this position, you squat. ” And in general while others try to make exercises more easily, Green tries to make them more difficult, namely – to isolate as much as possible all working muscles.

Related Post:  Kai Greene and his Bubble Gut

And he is a real philosopher. Here are some of his statements: “Bodybuilding is a method of self-improvement that can be applied to all aspects of our life. A person who is lost in life can find himself in bodybuilding. ” And further. “The strength of our consciousness is extremely high. Each of us can become what he wants. It’s just that many people do not use their potential with the best workout equipment for home. ”

What steroids cycle Kai Greene used for Mr. Olympia Competition

Do not rush to grab the heart and validol after reading these lines! Kai Green the Man is all right! He is alive, healthy, and cheerful! He makes videos, writes paintings and books, has already collected five million subscribers in insta, and sells everything that can be sold. What can I say – life was a success, we envy in silence. And nothing in today’s Kai resembles the pitching from the New York slums, which huddled in a shack and went to train on the subway in a black hood. The present Kai is rich and respectable. But this, oddly enough, is the trouble.

Green is unique not only with its super muscles but also with the ability to show them. Obligatory postures in his performance are a real play. The athlete smoothly flows from one position to another, demonstrating an amazing ability to own his body. Well, his arbitrary programs french press exercise – this is something against the backdrop of which Darner Charles and Melvin Anthony fade with their breakdance. “As for my posing, I think that this is my mission in terms of promotion, popularization of bodybuilding. – says Green – It’s just a shame when the pumped-up guys go on stage and can not show anything. Therefore, I believe that it is necessary to greet in every way those who try to bring something new into the performance.