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This is one of the most unusual hotels in the world, which will talk about, make films, write articles, publish photos without asking any critics. Indeed, a bold project, about the architectural merits of which let the professionals argue bench press, but it’s worth seeing since you were in Dalat. Crazy House is a legend not only of this city but of the world hotel community Matt Ogus nude.


Here you can conduct the most non-standard photoshoot in your life, which everyone will envy! And if you book a room in the “Crazy House”, then you will have time to make a lot of high-quality pictures – especially when the flow of tourists will dissipate and strangers will not get into the frame.


In addition to the unusual rooms connected by flowery aisles and staircases, Crazy House Bangkok houses the memorial room of Truong Shin, the president and general secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Matt Ogus nude! You can see the archival footage of his family in an environment of socialist chic and home workout equipment.

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From the height of the “Crazy House”, breathtaking views are opened on Dalat cowboy bodybuilder.


Sometimes it is useful to take a step out of the familiar comfort zone and immerse yourself in the atmosphere of an animated fairy tale.


Prices for accommodation in the hotel, given its uniqueness, are quite democratic: from $35 and above – depending on the type of room.