Kai Greene grapefruit is an example of how to strain to achieve a goal without straining. He enjoys life – and when “Arnold Classics” wins, and when fucking grapefruit.

Draw the muscles of the body – half the battle. It is important to be able to sell yourself to the viewer. Kayu Greene succeeded.

“I am more than a bodybuilder. I’m more than a name. I am more than an artist. I am more than a masterpiece. I’m Kai Green, “the official website of this muscular man says. “Thanks to testosterone cypionate I am one of the greatest bodybuilders now. And I am not going to stop”.

Greene is fond of arts. In fact, he often paints portraits of himself to ensure that he maintains his perfect physique. He had his art exhibit in August of 2011 where he reiterated that his arts and physique are his mediums to express his artistic and personal accomplishments.

You cannot dismiss the thought of steroid usage among bodybuilders – a topic that never ceases when it comes to this sport. One of the popular of these steroids is Testosterone Cypionate.

Testosterone Cypionate is one of the most popular anabolic steroids. It is a “long” form of testosterone (half-life 15-16 days). Athletes inject Cypionate to gain incredible muscle mass. It helps to achieve good results kris gethin 12 weeks, both in solo testosterone cypionate cycles and in combination with other steroids. Strength and muscle power grow significantly during the testosterone cycle. It is worth noting that this drug stimulates the production of red blood cells, which has a positive effect on muscle oxygen saturation, increased endurance. And Kai Green knew all this pretty well. Being a legend in the bodybuilding world, Kai believes that champions are a sum total of hard work, sacrifices, and decades of training in the gym.

He was born in Brooklyn in 1975. Parents did not give a damn about Kai, and from the age of 6 he took over the care of the state. Simply put, Kai was sent to an orphanage Dianabol side effects, where people come out either as criminals or as geniuses. Kai Green chose the second.

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He wanted to be an artist from childhood. Kai daily worked on himself: he swayed and gained weight. “I was always focused on the result. At school, I sometimes missed classes and ate and slept all day. ”

In his biography, one of his seventh-grade teachers saw his great physical growth and development and eventually introduced him to bodybuilding competitions for teenagers. During his studies in high school, Kai Green took part in the youthful show of bodybuilders and took first place. For the first time becoming the second, he paused in his career – to return with such a mountain of muscles that no one had ever seen.

The key place in the life of Green was the 5th Avenue Gym in New York. According to the bodybuilder, it was there that he met people who motivated him to work further, where he saw those whom he wanted to grow up, and subsequently to grow.

At the age of 18, when peers chose suits at the prom, Kai weighed 118 kg, stole 227 kg, and squatted 360 times. His diet consisted of 200 eggs a day. Either of the 30 chicken breasts is robust, right?

Green was the first in almost all tournaments in which he participated, but did not stop. The spectators were amazed not so much by his body (although here it is not equal to him), how much ability to show it. He reins the stage showing dance-like poses and seamless routines that led him to become the audience’s favorite. One poses smoothly passed into another, and that one even more imperceptibly into the third – the performance was fascinating. Separate attention should be paid to the demonstration programs of Kay Green, on which he dances breakdance, jumps on the pectoral muscles, and stands on his head. “My mission is to popularize bodybuilding. It’s a shame when pumped up guys go on stage and cannot show anything. I believe that we should strongly welcome those who are trying to bring something new into the speeches. ” Even if he is no longer competing, it is undeniable that the bodybuilding community and Mr. Olympia still talk about him and listen to his words.

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In addition to the relief hills, Green is famous for its brightly prominent pigtail Kai Greene grapefruit.  There is a myth that Kai shaved his head to look like Goro, a four-handed killer from Mortal Combat. However, some thought him to be a reincarnation of Samson – a biblical character with massive strength and long hair. For some avid fans of bodybuilding, his hair could be his weakness during the Mr. Olympia finals.

Outside the scene, the bodybuilder does not stand out from the crowd: he does not like vanity, he lives in a rented apartment, Instagram abound with busty girls in bathing suits and expensive wheelbarrows – there are mostly photos of performances and video from training. On the street, he appears wrapped in a jacket, although it is not easy to hide 140 kg with a height of 172 cm. The nickname Green – Predator – corresponds only to his appearance, but not to the character – people who communicated with the thug NPP half-life spoke of him as a constantly smiling the kindest person Kai Greene grapefruit memes. Just what he always says

Kai won “Keystone Pro”, “New York Pro”, “Colorado Pro”, “Grand Prix of Australia”, twice championed the “Arnold Classic” (competition organized by Schwarzenegger). But really the first Kai Greene did not. The most prestigious among the bodybuilders’ competition – “Mr. Olympia” – he never succumbed. Ronnie Coleman, Jay Cutler, Dexter Jackson, Phil Heath – a victory has always been given to one of them, but not Kayu. At the same time, Green is much more popular than all those who bypassed him on “Mr. Olympia”.

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For example, thanks to this video, on which Green has sex with a watermelon. Or here it is – here Kai traded a watermelon for grapefruit. The guy with the pigtail does not hesitate to experiment: on the network, you can find videos on which he dances in front of the public with a base member, and for the gay site Musclehunks.com, he took part in a candid photo shoot. Kai Greene is not new this since he took a role in a comedy film College Debts in 2015 where played the role of a male stripper.

In 2013, Kai Green together with Arnold Schwarzenegger and Mickey Rourke starred in the movie “The Iron Generation”, which tells how bodybuilders are preparing for Mr. Olympia. Kai continues to go to the top, daily crouches with a barbell, and presses from the chest what does Winstrol does, travels around the world with training. In March 2015, he was in Moscow – met with Andrei Malakhov, held an open training session, and held a seminar for fans. Subsequently, Kai has launched The 5P – his very own training program that emphasizes his belief: “Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Performance”.

comments (13)

  • my idol!

  • after the watermelon video, i have a bad opinion of him…

  • What are the chances of Kai Green’s return? Will he perform on Mr. Olympia show in 2018 or in 2019? Let’s hear what the most shocking modern bodybuilder, Kai Green himself, says about it.

  • Kai Green in 1999 at the World Amateur Championship

    even though he took the last place, but the fact that the guy has a great future is clearly felt (for information, the first place there was Sergey Shelestov)

  • It is because of these … bodybuilding and turns from sports and competitions showing the beauty of the development of the human body in just a show of freaks.

    If you look at past competitions (at least until the 2000s), no one …. didn’t do it. It is difficult to imagine Arnold standing on his head in competitions.

    Why stand on his head, he would have shown his penis. To whom this is interesting. At a bodybuilding competition, you must show your body size, and not stand up.

  • If you look at posing before the “Arnold era” and after, then you can say about Arnie, Zayn, Korni, the same thing: “The guys work out! They would stand beautifully in a row like a parade and do what the judge says to them.”

    Firstly, Kai Green is now one of the best bodybuilders in the world. And no one will say that he won Classic and New York not for fantastic muscles, but for a headstand.

    Secondly, such things just work on the development of sports. They are tried for musculature, but the show attracts, excites, captures, sometimes cheers. Why not? Coleman went to the scene in a crown, in a beard, Taylor portrayed the Terminator, Darrem Charles broke, Levron wrapped his dignity with the national flag … I personally like these things, they say that bodybuilders sometimes have brains in their heads. They can make something interesting out of their talk. And, in my opinion, they are much more like gloomy dutik freaks, with a pretentious snooty girl, hardly turning their limbs on stage like each of them weighs a ton.

  • Does Kai Greene plans to compete again?

  • Kai Greene stay busy even after his last bodybuilding competition. According to him, he might compete again in the future but because of this tight schedule, he was not able to compete in 2019 Mr. Olympia.

  • Did Kai Greene play a role in Stranger Things?

  • Kai Greene appears in Netfliz hit series Stranger Things. He plays the role of Funshine.

  • Is Kai Greene married?

  • Kai Greene is married to the beautiful Dayana Cadeau. They met in 2007 and still is devoted to each other.

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